Solar Services

Our renewable energy solutions (Solar Photovoltaic System) transform homes, communities, and the planet. Askin Electric provides customized solutions with the latest technology to Residences, Institutions, and Commercial and Industrial establishments to suit various rooftop configurations.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System

A photovoltaic (PV) system, derived from “photo” meaning light and “volt” referring to electricity, harnesses sunlight to generate electricity utilizing solar panels composed of solar cells. These cells, through the photovoltaic effect, convert light energy into electrical power. Solar PV systems can either be:

  1. On-Grid
  2. Off-Grid
  3. Hybrid

On-Grid Solar PV System:

A Grid-Tied or On-Grid Solar PV system operates without batteries for storage, relying on a connection to the utility grid. It synchronizes with the grid to export excess energy back, thus reducing electricity bills without the need for battery replacements. This is ideal for areas with minimal daytime power cuts. It is installed on rooftops or open land, utilizing solar energy for internal needs and selling excess to the grid via a bi-directional meter, a part of the Net-Metering Solar Policy.

A grid-connected PV system typically consists of solar panels, an inverter, a monitoring system, and an electrical distribution panel.

Advantages of On-Grid System:

• On-grid Solar PV systems can reduce monthly bills to zero, shielding against future price increases
• Cost-Effective: They do not require batteries to store excess energy
• Earn Passive Income: With low-cost investment and quick payback periods, excess solar power can be exported to the grid for additional income
• Low Maintenance: These systems require minimal upkeep and have negligible recurring costs. Additionally, solar panels contribute to cooling environments
• Increased Energy Efficiency: This system is reliable as the grid provides a constant supply of electricity on the days of shortage of sunlight or any technical fault
• Tax Benefits: Industries can benefit from accelerated depreciation tax relief, while supportive government policies promote renewable energy adoption

Challenges of On-Grid System:

• The system is dependent on grid and does not work during power outages.
• Initial cost of installation is high
• Local regulations can sometimes restrict or limit the amount of energy that can be generated and sold back to the grid

Off-Grid Solar PV System:

An Off-grid Solar PV System operates independently without connecting to a utility grid. It relies solely on solar energy to charge batteries for power distribution to loads. It is ideal for areas with no grid access or frequent power cuts. A properly designed system can provide year-round power without grid reliance, while under-designed ones may lead to battery depletion. These are installed on rooftops without grid connections and function autonomously with a battery bank.

An off-grid PV system typically consists of solar panels, circuit breakers, an inverter, solar charge controller, and batteries.

Off-Grid Inverters:

The inverter draws power from batteries which stores power from solar panels. These inverters convert DC power from batteries to AC power and are used in systems which operate independently off the grid. They are used in vehicles, boats, remote cabins, off-grid homes or as an emergency backup power when grid fails.

Advantages of Off-Grid System:

• Reliable Power Supply: A dependable power source during unexpected outages caused by various factors like weather or technical failures as energy is stored in batteries, dependable even amid potential disasters
• Reduced Electricity Costs: Solar energy is economical in the long run as to fossil fuel. While initial setup costs may be high, off-grid solar systems eliminate monthly electric bills utilizing free solar energy
• Simplified Installation: They are straightforward to install unlike on-grid connections requiring extensive infrastructure and offer flexibility and cost-effectiveness
• Ideal for Rural Areas: As remote locations often face electricity challenges due to limited infrastructure and connectivity costs, off-grid solar systems provide a cost-effective solution without additional connection fees, thus promoting independence and accessibility
• Environmental Sustainability: Off-grid solar systems contribute to a cleaner, greener environment by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, which emit harmful carbon dioxide. By minimizing carbon footprint, these systems mitigate climate change and air pollution, offering a sustainable energy solution for a healthier planet

Challenges of Off-Grid System:

• They are expensive as batteries have to be used throughout
• Surplus solar energy could go waste
• Potential risk of running out of energy
• Maintenance charges are high due to short lifespan and degradation of batteries

Hybrid Solar PV System:

Hybrid system combines battery storage with grid connectivity, prioritizing solar energy for existing loads, battery charging, and grid supply as needed. Hybrid inverters manage this process, charging batteries with solar during daylight and switching to grid charging during low sunlight or battery depletion. These systems replace polluting diesel generators, reducing electricity bills and eliminating diesel costs. A hybrid solar system seamlessly integrates battery storage with grid connectivity, effectively managing energy distribution for maximum efficiency. By utilizing smart inverters and batteries, homeowners can store excess energy for use during overcast days or blackouts, enhancing energy security and potentially saving money through net metering. Hybrid solar systems offer a comprehensive solution for consumers seeking reliable and flexible power generation.

A Hybrid PV system typically consists of solar panels, inverter with inbuilt charge controller and mains charger, batteries, and an electrical distribution panel.

Hybrid inverters:

Hybrid inverter integrates the capabilities of an inverter/charger with a built-in charge controller for managing both on-grid and off-grid energy requirements. Hybrid solar inverters allow bidirectional power flow and integrate battery storage. It works by turning the DC current on and off very quickly such that average voltage output is equivalent to that of AC. It is also called an all-in-one system. A hybrid inverter is very flexible as it can work completely off the grid, with or without batteries, or even with or without solar panels.

Advantages of Hybrid System:

• Uninterrupted Power Supply: Hybrid solar systems offer multiple backup options, including solar modules, battery banks, and the utility grid, ensuring uninterrupted power even during grid outages.
• Maximizing Renewable Energy: By utilizing hybrid inverter and battery storage, homeowners can maximize the utilization of clean, renewable solar energy. Excess energy is stored in batteries for later use, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact.
• Tax Benefits: Investing in hybrid solar systems can yield accelerated depreciation tax incentives for the renewable assets held, offering financial advantages and promoting sustainability.
• Passive Income: Through bi-directional metering, excess electricity generated by hybrid solar systems can be exported back to the grid, allowing homeowners to earn additional passive income.
• Cost Savings and Protection: Hybrid solar systems help reduce high electricity bills and operational costs while providing protection against future electricity price hikes.

Challenges of Hybrid System:

• A well-designed hybrid solar system is essential for ensuring uninterrupted power supply and maximizing the benefits of renewable energy. Under-designed systems can result in low solar energy generation and insufficient battery capacity, compromising the system’s effectiveness and reliability.
• There may be regular maintenance costs associated with the battery bank.
• They involve higher upfront costs due to additional equipment like batteries, which typically need replacement every decade.
• Higher maintenance cost as the systems may require monitoring and adjustment of settings for optimal performance

Understanding the features, advantages and potential drawbacks of the kinds of solar PV systems and the types of inverter, one has to play a critical role in configuring the right solar power system. So, it is crucial for you to make an informed decision on what is better: off-grid or on-grid solar systems or a hybrid system that offers the best of both worlds. Askin experts are at your service to assess your needs and come up with a comprehensive design, plan and implementation at a reasonable price and optimum output.